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Wildfire (2023)
Wildfire (2023)
Wildfire (2023)
Wildfire (2023)
Wildfire (2023)
Wildfire (2023)
Wildfire (2023)
Wildfire (2023)
Wildfire (2023)
Wildfire (2023)
Wildfire (2023)
Wildfire (2023)
Wildfire (2023)
Wildfire (2023)
Wildfire (2023)
Wildfire (2023)
Wildfire (2023)
Wildfire (2023)

Opening with a curse from a strange baby, featuring a cast of socially offbeat characters, a caged child, a murderous pet tarantula and a dead cat, Wildfire is a tragicomedy as fiercely dark as any from classical Greece.

montreal rampage : "The performances by the actors is... outstanding. [...] Wildfire is devilish and delightful. ... The result is satisfying and the production is a great success."— Rachel Levine, 2023‑01‑17.

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Video / Vidéo +

Team / Équipe +

Text / Texte : David Paquet;
Translator / Traduction : Leanna Brodie;
English version led by / Version en anglais dirigée par : Jon Lachlan Stewart;
Stage Manager / Régisseure : Ava Bishop.

Players / Acteurs +

Claudie, Carole : Julie Tamiko Manning;
Claudine, Caroline : Kathleen Stavert;
Claudette, Clément : Davide Chiazzese.

Original Designers / Concepteurs originaux +

Set and Costume Design / Décor et costumes : Odile Gamache;
Lighting Design / Lumière : Cédric Delorme Bouchard;
Sound Design / Son : Mykalle Bielinski.

The Talisman-commissioned translation of Wildfire was developed in collaboration with Playwrights' Workshop Montréal.

Downloads / Téléchargements +

Technical rider / Fiche technique
Program / Programme
Presskit / Dossier de presse